Registered Lighting Practitioner (RLP) is an additional qualification for those members of the Society who regularly practise lighting design at a high level of performance and who wish to maintain those high standards in the future by undertaking Continual Professional Development activities.
The purpose of establishing this new qualification is to recognise that members achieving the grade of RLP have been evaluated by their peers and are accepted as upholding high standards of lighting design practice. It is also expected that those in professions allied to lighting will come to realise and recognise that persons holding the RLP qualification can be expected to provide lighting designs of a high standard.
Application for RLP is open to Society members who hold the grade of FIES or MIES and is dependent upon undertaking regular CPD as defined and published from time to time by the Society and on remaining a financial member within the definition laid down by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society.
RLP is open to all FIES and MIES members of the Society. However it is expected that the additional qualification of RLP will mainly apply to those whose major business activity is the practice of lighting design. In assessing the eligibility of members, the Society will seek evidence that the applicant has participated in the full process of the lighting design, including, (but not limited to), consultation with the client and active involvement in the overall design of the lighting project. Solely providing computer-aided design layouts as an aid to sales would not be regarded as
showing proof of the standard of lighting design necessary to attain RLP.
It is accepted that some form of specialisation in particular aspects of lighting design may occur with some applicants. It is not essential for you to have expertise, or practice in every segment of lighting design. For example, a person may be highly skilled in design for many types of interiors, but not in sports lighting, roadway lighting or entertainment lighting. (The converse may also apply. The essential prerequisite for RLP is that the person should be highly skilled and experienced in their particular field of lighting design activity and have achieved recognition in his/her segment of the industry.
It is emphasised that RLP is in addition to, and does not replace the FIES or MIES status of members. Members qualifying for RLP will receive a Certificate of Registration, will be recognised on the Society website and in the “Lighting” magazine and will be authorised to use the postnominal RLP after FIES or MIES, as appropriate, on their business cards and other documents.
Applications should be sent in the first instance to the Secretary in the relevant Chapter. Once the Secretary has checked that the application has been correctly completed, it will be forwarded to the RLP Committee of the Society for processing.
A one-off application fee of $75.00 will be payable by RLP members.

RLP Application Guide and Form
Any FIES or MIES member wishing to apply for RLP must complete the necessary forms which are available to download below and then log the forms online, via the Member Dashboard.